Title: Protect Me!
Genre: One Button Game, endless
Platform: PC, web
Engine & Tools: Adobe Animate, Haxe, Git, Trello
Duration: 2 weeks
Team (2): 1 game artist, 1 gameplay programmer
Position: gameplay programmer, game designer
My world involved (all the game):
- Gameplay features
- Game design
- Assets, UI, SFX integration
For more details:
Protect Me is a One Button Game made using Haxe in two weeks.
Each student was completely free creatively. I decided to make an infinite game where we have to protect a child from her nightmare's monsters.
To kill the enemies, the circle which is lit up will show you how many clicks you need to do: three clicks for the green circle, two for the orange, and one for the red. The game is ended when the child took too much damage.