Title: Pew Pew Fish
Genre: 2D Shoot Them Up
Platform: PC
Engine & Tools: Adobe Animate, AS3, Git, Trello
Duration: 2 months
Team (1): //
Position: gameplay programmer, level designer, game designer
My work involved (all the game):
- 3C
- Gameplay features
- Game design
- Level design
- Assets, SFX integration
For more details:
Pew Pew Fish is a 2D Shoot Them Up made on Haxe in two months. It is my first video game project. 
The assets and the music & sounds were already made by students. In addition to the programming, my work consisted of conceiving the special feature and level design.
On the way to the final boss, you will find eggs ready to hatch. Inside them are mini-drones which follow you and help you kill enemies by shooting them or rushing to them.
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