Title: Mont Kee
Genre: 2D Platformer
Platform: PC, mobile
Engine & Tools: Unity, C#, Git, Trello
Duration: 2 months
Team (12): Gameplay Programmers, Game Artists, Sound Designers, Engine Programmers
Position: gameplay programmer, level designer, game designer
My work involved:
- Main camera system
- Special feature (monkey babies to pick up)
- Gameplay bricks (platform and traps)
- Level design
For more details:
Mont-Kee is a 2D platformer made on Unity in two months.
We were a team of three Gameplay Developers, seven Game Artists, and two Music and Sound Designers. 
​​​​​​​With the same team of Gameplay Developers, we worked for two more weeks with two Engine Programmers for a Nintendo Switch Porting. We added vibrations and a new feature allowing you to throw nuts on obstacles, using the built-in accelerometer.
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