Title: Depths of Budapest
Genre: RPG, Tactical Game
Platform: PC
Engine & Tools: UE4 Blueprint Perforce, Trello, StarUML
Duration: 3 months
Team (22): Gameplay programmers, Game Designers, Game Artists, Sound Designer
Position: gameplay programmer, VFX integrator
My work involved:
- Battle system
- Units' abilities
- Battle UI
- Juiciness integration (battle phase only)
- Signs & Feedback
- UML Diagram document
For more details:
Depths of Budapest is an RPG project with a team of 22 members.
We had 3 constraints: to have vehicles for the exploration and battle, to choose a European city where the game will take place (Budapest in Hungary, Toulouse in France, or Palermo in Italy), and to imagine an impactful event that transformed the city.